Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Howdy! first time father. I guess you are in a very good feeling right now as became "The New Parent". Excited and Happy, it's all mix up. That the way a new parent should feel. That positive expression is something that you have to maintenance, because you journey as a father is a long road. You have to learn how to caring your baby in a good and decent way till he/she grows up. I'm sure that you already study that subject along time ago when your child still in his/her mother womb. But doing what you have learned is another daunting task.

I know that you've study about changing diaper, but doing it in a real thing sometimes peeved. How about calm him/her down when he/she is crying, do you understand what that crying means? really confusing even sometimes annoying... Uuuh. Just calm down Sir,I've been there before. That's why i want to give some Tips about being a first time father.

  • Don't forget about your wife

After passed through a fatiguing birth process, your wife need stamina recovery. She is exhausted and need some support from her love one. Accompanying her! Hug and kiss are something that she needs. Make her laugh, teas her or make up a story and tell her how proud you are having her as your wife.
I assume you have a question why do you have to cheers her up ? that because after birthed, Moms have both physically and mentally change that changed some hormones and it can bring your wife to postpartum distress or some called it baby blues syndrome. Although the situation is temporary but if she is not supported and being left by you, the stress might be increased into an illness that you don't want to know. Crying for no reason, irritability, anxiety, low self-esteem and impatience are the symptoms of postpartum distress or baby blues syndrome. You have to pay attention about those symptoms if you see one or more symptoms on your wife behavior.
So your happiness for became a first time father don't make you lose your attention and support for your wife.

  • Stay cool and Be confident

I know helped for caring your baby and supported your wife at the same time is confusing but if you being confident and calm down doing it, all the obligation as a new father seem like doing an elementary school homework. :p

  • Don't Be a childish

You are a father now, whining about changing diaper... Ooh come on Dad Grow Up.

  • It's not recorded, it's Live Show

Dad.. Everything that you learn about how to caring and raise a child is about to be tested in real Live Show. If you make a mistake doing it, you cannot undo. Learn and evaluate from your mistake and DON'T DO THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN.

  • It takes two to make Love

Don't play xbox 360 while your wife changing your baby diaper. Support her even you only help bringing your baby diaper.

Well Dad, that all the Tips that i can give, based of my experience being a first time father. I hope the Tips useful to you. See Ya...

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